Unable to extract some search results from APM
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Unable to extract some search results from APM


Article ID: 259323


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CA IT Asset Manager Asset Portfolio Management


Getting below error when attempting to export some search results.  The same search export was working before.

The error message contains

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'xpkarg_mxl_string'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.arg_xml_string'. The duplicate key value is (1562345612,0). The statement has been terminated.


CA IT Asset Manager 17.3 and 17.4


Run these queries against the MDB

1.  select * into arg_xml_string2 from arg_xml_string where id=1562345612

this will create a new table arg_xml_string2 and add those two rows from arg_xml_string table

2.  delete from arg_xml_string where id=1562345612

this will delete those two records from arg_xml_string table

Then try to re-run the export.