We are trying to upgrade from 10.0 to 10.1 and one of the ports in TLS version 1.0 is only enabled.
TLS version 1.2 is not available, due to which the server is not starting and we are not able to connect to the policy manager if we enable tlsv1.0 in ssg.security.
Release : 10.1
# mysqldump ssg connector_property > /tmp/cp.sql
# mysql ssg
mysql> update connector_property set value='TLSv1.2' where name='protocols';
mysql> exit
# service ssg restart
You can now login to policy manager since the ports previously only had TLSv1 enabled. But this updates protocols for ALL listen ports.
NOTE: Since this updates ALL listen ports to tlsv1.2 if you have any non https (i.e. sftp or other) these may need further modification when you can connect via policy manager.