Multiple vanity host url support for a single tenant in VIP Authentication Hub
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Multiple vanity host url support for a single tenant in VIP Authentication Hub


Article ID: 259270


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VIP Authentication Hub


For our external VIP AuthHub urls, the well known openid configuration endpoint requires authentication from the azserver, whereas .net does not. When accessing the external url endpoint from any region i.e. we see a json message in the browser 


  • "errorCode""0000003",
  • "errorMessage""Missing Authorization header"


And we see splunk logs from the azserver 

10:04:54.537 AM

{ [-]
   api: /
 clientIp: x.x.x.x
 clientTxnId: null
 level: error
 msg: Current issuerURL: is not present in the AT aud claim: []
 service: azserver
 thread: https-jsse-nio-8085-exec-6
 tid: ac0f0bc1-f4ed-46b5-b118-ad7463f3438d
 timestamp: 2022-12-12T15:04:54.537568Z
 tname: default
 txnId: c239d0a9-eff9-4613-8d99-0eb80d6e994e
 type: log
 userAgent: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.10 (Java/17.0.5)
 userIp: x.x.x.x




Basically we have no idea why .com is requiring authentication for .com well-known endpoint.


Release : Oct.05


This was a product limitation that only single Vanity host url can be configured per tenant but customer had a requirement to have more than one configured for the single tenant. The fix was added in VIP Auth Auth Oct.05 release to address this limitation. Here are the details for the release.

VIP AuthHub Oct.05 Release Notes