The issue is that while we are ‘triggering’ events they are not showing up in the CAPLIST. The screen print just below was taken at 11:43am and the event is not showing. The mail below that shows we ‘triggered’ an event which sent the email at 11:30am. This event does not show in the CAPLIST as it should.
SYSVIEW 17.0 XXXX ------ CAPLIST, Captured Event List ----- 2023/01/27 11:43:46
Command ====> Scroll *===> PAGE
------------------------------------------------ Lvl 2 Row 1-14/66 Col 1-79/428
System index dsname HLQ.SYSVIEW.V170.CAPINDEX.PRDB Volser VVVVVV
Total Recs 66 Blks 22797 Expd 0 Select Recs 66 Blks 22797 Expd 0
Cmd CreDate CreTime SysName Member Descr
________ 2023/01/27 11:00:03 XXXX OVERVIEW Overview status
________ 2023/01/27 10:00:04 XXXX OVERVIEW Overview status
________ 2023/01/27 09:00:06 XXXX OVERVIEW Overview status
________ 2023/01/27 08:00:05 XXXX OVERVIEW Overview status
Release : 17.0