https://host:8443/ssg/backup?node=<NODE>&audits=false" -v fails with
" 502 Bad Gateway " This server received an invalid response from a server it consulted .
Only /ssg/backup appears to be affected.
This appears to be caused by recent patches to our gateways. The listen port works fine until you make a change to it, like disable TLS-1.0 then save.
After that /ssg/backup throws the Bad Gateway error. Adding TLS-1.0 back does not resolve the issue. All other listen ports still work as long as we don't make changes.
Release : 10.x CR5 , 10.1
# mysql ssg
mysql> update connector set endpoints = 'MESSAGE_INPUT,ADMIN_REMOTE_SSM,ADMIN_APPLET,OTHER_SERVLETS' where port = 8443;
mysql> exit
# service ssg restart
After a gateway restart the 502 bad gateway error should be gone .
If you didn't have TLS 1.0 enabled and enable it , you will again get the bad gateway error and you will have to do the process again.
You can leave tls 1.0 checked.