Performance: Delete Investments and Time Reporting Periods Job
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Performance: Delete Investments and Time Reporting Periods Job


Article ID: 259249


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The Delete Investments and Time Reporting Periods takes longer to finish/complete.

BG log shows error:

ERROR 2023-02-02 07:18:18,638 [Dispatch Delete Investments and Time Reporting Periods : bg@server (tenant=clarity)] background.DeleteInvestmentService (clarity:user:session:Delete Investments and Time Reporting Periods) Fatal error deleting investment (RET-PRJ-00007863).  Review job scheduler log for more detail.
ERROR 2023-02-02 07:18:18,638 [Dispatch Delete Investments and Time Reporting Periods : bg@server (tenant=clarity)] background.DeleteInvestmentService (clarity:user:session:Delete Investments and Time Reporting Periods) 
com.niku.union.odf.exception.ODFValidationException: ODF-0105: Not authorized to delete one or more selected [xxxobject] instances.


1. Check the number of investments that needs to be deleted by running the following query:

select count(1) from inv_investments 
WHERE purge_flag = 1

2. Compare/check the prior job run instances, which will show what issues / information on what is to be deleted.

3. Provide the rights in order for the job to delete the investment. The user running the job needs to have the rights to the object and its subobject rights.

4. Try scheduling the job at another time instead to avoid issues with other jobs conflicts