View options are not saved
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View options are not saved


Article ID: 259208


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


After modifying some view options and saving the view, the newly saved view is not reflecting any of the new changes. There is no error displayed.


Release : 16.0.3


The current view may be corrupted.


Try to recreate the view from the Standard View.

  1. Document the desired settings (columns, filters...) for the current view.
  2. Save a copy of the current view (View dropdown > Save As).
  3. Delete the newly saved view (View dropdown > Manage > "X" icon for the copied view > Delete).
  4. "Standard View" should now be the active view. At this point, it is recommended to save a copy of this view (View dropdown > Save As).
  5. Change the view options and filters as appropriate.
  6. Save and use this new view.