AppNeta Audit Logs via API
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AppNeta Audit Logs via API


Article ID: 259190


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The Audit Logs are available to Organization Admins within any Organization can be retrieved via the Download Audit Logs button in the Gear Drop Down menu or via the API.


The Audit Logs appear in the Audit Section of the drop down menu:


You can download 31 days at a time:

Additional Information

In addition to the UI option, you could follow these steps for retrieving them via the API.


1. Access AppNeta's API Swagger Page

2. We will need the desired Organization ID, find the Organization section and expand it to see the Execute button.
NOTE: If you already have the Organization ID skip to step 3


2. Scroll down until you see the Response Body section, you should see the Organizations listed and the first line being id (highlighted in yellow in the image below):


3. Scroll up on the Swagger Page and find the Audit Section.  Expand the /v3/audit endpoint and click on Try it out:


4. Once Try it out has been clicked, you should see that the orgIDs field is editable, enter in the desired org id, clicking on Execute once it's entered:


5. You should see a new Response Body on the page, it will contain audit log information:


All of the above Swagger API Page runs will also provide the URL to use for curl based methods of retrieving the information.