SaaS Portal Parsing Exception blocking website integration
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SaaS Portal Parsing Exception blocking website integration


Article ID: 259179


Updated On:


CA API Developer Portal


Our Gateway is not able to properly communicate with the SaaS portals.   Enroll with SaaS Portal failed.

Error message:  Unable to enroll: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 21439; ColumnNumber: 100; The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference. 


2023-01-27T08:55:06.150-0500 INFO    48 com.l7tech.external.assertions.portalbootstrap.server.PortalBootstrapManager: Enrollment response from local RESTMAN bundle install: result: <class com.l7tech.policy.assertion.AssertionStatus: 0=FINE:No Error>, httpStatus: 200, body: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<l7:List xmlns:l7=>

    <l7:Name>SOLUTION_KIT List</l7:Name>



    <l7:Link rel="self" uri="/1.0/solutionKits?guid=a6f9bbee-87c2-43d8-b613-5c072f7b6f7d"/>

    <l7:Link rel="template" uri="/1.0/solutionKits/template"/>






        <l7:Link rel="self" uri="/1.0/solutionKits/09e07a765ab3905b6c17af26d36692dd"/>


            <l7:SolutionKit id="09e07a765ab3905b6c17af26d36692dd" version="0">





                    <l7:Property key="CustomCallback">



                    <l7:Property key="CustomUi">



                    <l7:Property key="Description">

                        <l7:StringValue>OTK Solution Kit</l7:StringValue>


                    <l7:Property key="FeatureSet">



                    <l7:Property key="IsCollection">



                    <l7:Property key="TimeStamp">












2023-01-27T08:55:06.159-0500 WARNING 48 com.l7tech.server.cassandra.CassandraConnectionManagerImpl: Connection to Cassandra cluster associated with connection OAuth_Cassandra not available due to Cassandra connection does not exist.

2023-01-27T08:55:12.112-0500 INFO    261 com.l7tech.server.admin.AsyncAdminMethodsImpl: Asynchronous job JobId<java.lang.Boolean>:7199967d3f95c0d07ebee14aa44e20b47369243aaaf9f2f09904e9b5d85e2394 threw an exception: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 21439; columnNumber: 100; The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.

Our current gateway setup is like this:

Layer 7 API Gateway – ssg-10.1.00-11620_noarch

Layer 7 API OTK version – 4.4.0-4346

We are working on an updating these, too.


Release : 5.1


User was login using an id in identity provider.  Changed to user in internal user list and were able to enroll the gateway.  


1687183434408__1675371561458__saasissue01.png get_app