Moving the Spectrum Data Source to a different One Click server
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Moving the Spectrum Data Source to a different One Click server


Article ID: 259170


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DX NetOps CA Spectrum CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


How to move the Performance Manager Spectrum Data Source Integration DB to a new One Click server.

Spectrum OneClick server host migration while integrated with Performance Management

Need to migrate the Spectrum OneClick tomcat web server to a new host. The OneClick server is integrated with Performance Management as a Data Source.

Some environments use Performance Management Groups whose membership is derived from the members in a synchronized Spectrum Global Collection (GC). The same Performance Management Groups can be set for use in a variety of functions like Dashboards, Reports, Threshold Profiles, etc. These relationships are defined by IDs set in the databases that represent the Groups and GCs. Maintaining those relationships critical to success. Critical to maintaining those relationships is ensuring the database IDs representing the GCs don't change. Any interruption to these relationships will break the integration and require a large effort to manually rebuild the lost relationships. Global Collection names and IDs are stored in the Spectrum SpectroSERVER SSdb. As long as the SSdb isn't rebuilt, those names and IDs won't change. As a result any Performance Management Group Rules referencing synced Spectrum Global Collections for it's membership should continue to function post OneClick host change.

How to migrate the netqos_integ MySql database to a new OneClick web server host.


All supported DX NetOps releases


Migrate the Portal and Spectrum integration MySql database (netqos_integ) from old to new host.

NOTE: See step 4.5 below if the IP or Hostname is also changing for the OneClick host.

  1. Disable the Spectrum DS in Portal to temporarily halt synchronization.
    1. Go to Administration->Data Sources->Data Sources
    2. Select the Spectrum Data Source.
    3. Select the Edit button.
    4. Set the Status value to Disabled.
    5. Select the Save button.
  2. Backup the netqos_integ MySql DB on the old OneClick host.
    1. Stop the tomcat web server service.
    2. Run this to generate a netqos_integ.sql backup file. Enter the password when prompted.
      • Linux: $SPECROOT/mysql/bin/mysqldump --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf --routines --databases -uroot -p netqos_integ > netqos_integ_backup.sql
      • Windows: $SPECROOT/mysql/bin/mysqldump.exe --routines --databases -uroot -p  netqos_integ > netqos_integ_backup.sql 
    3. Start the tomcat web server service if still needed.
    4. Copy the saved netqos_integ.sql file to the new OneClick host.
  3. On the new OneClick host create a new netqos_integ DB and load data from old OneClick host into new OneClick host.
    1. Stop the tomcat web server service.
    2. Run this to create a new DB named netqos_integ. Enter the password when prompted
      • Linux: $SPECROOT/mysql/bin/mysql  --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p -e 'create database netqos_integ;'
      • Windows: $SPECROOT/mysql/bin/mysql  --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p -e 'create database netqos_integ;'
      • NOTE: If it reports the DB already exists, move on to the next step. Error sample:
        • ERROR 1007 (HY000) at line 1: Can't create database ‘netqos_integ’; database exists
    3. Run this to load the netqos_integ.sql created on the old OneClick host into the netqos_integ DB on the new OneClick host. Enter the password when prompted.
      • Linux: $SPECROOT/mysql/bin/mysql --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p  netqos_integ < netqos_integ_backup.sql
      • Windows: $SPECROOT/mysql/bin/mysql.exe -uroot -p netqos_integ < netqos_integ_backup.sql
    4. Start the tomcat web server service.
  4. Enable the Spectrum DS in Portal to restart synchronization.
    1. Go to Administration->Data Sources->Data Sources
    2. Select the Spectrum Data Source.
    3. Select the Edit button.
    4. Set the Status value to Enabled.
    5. OPTIONAL: Moving to a new OneClick host with different name and IP than the old one?
      • Set the new Name or IP address for the new host.
    6. Select the Save button.

Additional Information

Will the the old OneClick host be repurposed as a OneClick host for a new environment?

Once the functionality of the migrated integration has been validated, the netqos_integ database should be removed from the original OneClick server.

  • No longer using it as a Portal integration host? It's worth removing it to clean the system.
  • Integrating the old OneClick to a different Portal host from a different environment? It will need to be removed before creating a new DS for the old OneClick in a different Portal system.

To remove it follow these steps to drop the database. These commands are not OS dependent.

  1. Connect to the MySql Prompt with the following command. Enter the password when prompted.
    • $SPECROOT/mysql/bin/mysql  --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p
  2. Run the following command. Note: Sample below shows a normal expected database list.
    • show databases;
  3. Run the following to remove the netqos_integ database.
    • drop database netqos_integ;
  4. Run the show databases command from step 2 again to confirm it's removed.

Sample output for 'show databases;' command.

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mibtools           |
| mysql              |
| netqos_integ       |
| performance_schema |
| reporting          |
| sys                |
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