IEC030I B37-4 for LADXTRCT allocation executing DMLREPT SUMMARY report.
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IEC030I B37-4 for LADXTRCT allocation executing DMLREPT SUMMARY report.


Article ID: 259169


Updated On:


Log Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS


Executing Log Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS (PLA) for a 10 minute interval and encountering the following error.
Please suggest a workaround or fix to allow at least 20 minutes of log processing intervals.

Messages and allocations:

IEC030I B37-04,IFG0554A,xxxxx,xxxxxxx,LADXTRCT,6747,xxxxxx,                

SYSTEM COMPLETION CODE=B37  REASON CODE=00000004                           

.ALLOC FI(LADXTRCT)                                                    +     
  DATASET('&&EXTRACT')                                                  +  
  CYL SPACE(20,10) BLKSIZE(23200) LRECL(23200) RECFM(F,S)               +    
  NEW CATALOG UNIT(SYSDA)                                              RETCODE =     0      

DYNSORT  = (DSNUM(6),SPACE(40,40),MAINSIZE(1000),MSG(N))                   

LAE0008E SORT terminating.  Return/Abend Code: B37            


It appears that the SB37 is occurring for the LADXTRCT temporary dataset allocation.

Recommend increasing the SPACE allocation for the .ALLOC FI(LADXTRCT) card to perhaps:

CYL SPACE(250,250) BLKSIZE(23200) LRECL(23200) RECFM(F,S)             +

(*** make certain to retain the + sign in column 72 ***)


Also suggest modifying the DYNSORT card increasing the space as well:

DYNSORT  = (DSNUM(6),SPACE(250,250),MAINSIZE(1000),MSG(Y))