Timesheet Grid View Best Practices for Performance
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Timesheet Grid View Best Practices for Performance


Article ID: 259151


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


How to avoid performance issues with Timesheet Grid


Release : Any


 To avoid performance issue with Timesheet Grid we recommend to filter the results and not to run the the Timesheet Grid wide open with no filters.

1. We recommend the maximum amount of Timesheets displayed to be under 2000

2. Use the filters as per below to filter down the Timesheets:

  • Time Period
  • Resource OBS
  • Resource Manager
  • Resource Name

Recommended Filter for Managers is Resource Manager = Current User

3. The user should save this View as their Saved View and use it

4. We recommend creating a Default Recommended View in Clarity with default filtering that will be shared with all users for use. The Clarity admin can add any of the above or any additional filters that may be useful and share the view