Unable to Discover new device, SNMPWALK works ok
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Unable to Discover new device, SNMPWALK works ok


Article ID: 259129


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


Unable to Discover new device in DX NetOps CAPM Console using V3, while SNMPWALK works ok. In dcdebug discovery logging by IP, we see the following problem:


======= Response for DC dchost:ffffff-22ff-4c50-c999-12345678901 =======

Search string xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx returned 21 results (5,026 bytes)


Jan 27 15:30:26.806: IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Profile discovery started

Jan 27 15:30:26.807: IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Starting SNMP profile discovery for profile: [rank=1, id=9112023@161, name=Devices]

Jan 27 15:30:35.808: IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Profile discovery result for profile: [rank=1, id=9112023@161, name=Devices]: REQUEST_TIMED_OUT, Response PDU: null


======= Response end for DC mx:ffffff-22ff-4c50-c999-12345678901 =======


DX NetOps CAPM all supported releases


If there is a duplicate V3 engineid detected during discovery, dcdebug will show timed out message.

Please check the DC karaf.log for this message:

grep “Duplicate EngineID detected” karaf.*

For example,

#> grep “Duplicate EngineID detected” karaf.log.1


Line 767659: 2023-01-24T15:23:05,327 | ERROR | Response Pool.3  | MPv3Proxy                        | m.ca.im.dm.snmp.snmp4j.MPv3Proxy  978 | 54 - com.ca.im.data-collection-manager.snmp - 22.2.4.RELEASE-611 |  | Duplicate EngineID detected: xx:yy:ff:aa:99:tt:ss:bb:xx:99:00:00:11:11:00:00:00, IP(s) associated [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/161, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/161]


Every V3 device in your network requires a unique engineID.

Fix the engineID and rediscover the device.

Note: if you cannot fix the engine id, you can discover the device on a different DC, as the unique list is per DC.

Additional Information

The Duplicate EngineID detected message will be added to dcdebug in a future build.

KB : Data Aggregator SNMPv3 discovery requires unique snmpEngineId