the Devtest Components are going down every weekend after it got upgraded to 10.7.2
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the Devtest Components are going down every weekend after it got upgraded to 10.7.2


Article ID: 259095


Updated On:


Service Virtualization


Devtest Components are going down every weekend after it got upgraded to 10.7.2. Are there any configuration we are missing?


Release :


 We noticed that, services are set to startup type as "Manual" it means when there is a re-start of server, components will not be started automatically until you do restart.

       By executing the below command from power shell, we see that there is a server restart happened on week end. Because of this restart, all services are down. We changed the startup type to "Automatic" so that components will start automatically after server re-boot.

Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem | select csname, lastbootuptime