When using the Windows Client and viewing the Object Tree, many systems running Vantage appear to be sharing some summary objects which are based upon SYSVIEW objects, but the DISTRIBUTE process was not used for these systems, and they do not share the SUMMDEFS datasets. Why are these Sysview based summary objects appearing in the Object Tree on some systems for which they are not expected? Also, some Vantage tasks are showing the following messages in the STC, such as:
VKG0135I Vantage Object=S00xxxxx NOT Available
VKG0166E Vantage Object Definitions NOT Found
These messages are issued for some Summary objects which are based upon SYSVIEW objects.
Release : 14.1
The SYSVIEW task is not fully up and running before the Vantage task is started, thus causing Vantage to not have available all of the SYSVIEW data for building the Vantage Summary objects which are based upon SYSVIEW objects.
The problem was resolved by having the Vantage STC start up AFTER the Sysview "GSVX571I (XSXS) XSXS task initialization complete" message is issued in the SYSVIEW STC. This SYSVIEW message indicates that the SYSVIEW STC processing is fully complete. The process of starting the SYSVIEW task before starting Vantage, and waiting for it to fully complete before Vantage is started can be automated using an automation product, such as OPS/MVS.