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Looking for SQL statements


Article ID: 258947


Updated On:


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


To see if there are any Agent Jobs stuck in the Backlog.
To see if any Modules are assigned to the Agent
To see if the Agent is used in a Chain Component
To see if the Agent is used in a Condition


Release: 9. x


To see if there are any Agent Jobs stuck in the Backlog:

select count(*) from so_job_queue where so_operator='<agent_name>';

To see if any Modules are assigned to the Agent:

select so_module from so_job_table where so_oper_seq=(select so_oper_seq from so_operators where so_oper_name='<agent_name>');

To see if the Agent is used in a Chain Component:

Select so_task_name from so_chain_detail where so_oper_seq=(select so_oper_seq from so_operators where so_oper_name='<agent_name>');

To see if the Agent is used in a Condition:

select a.so_module,so_soc_order condition_order,so_cond_timing condition_timing,so_condition_1||' '||so_qualifier||' '||so_condition_2 condition,
so_action action,so_act_arg action_arguments
from so_object_cond b,so_job_table a
where b.so_object_seq = a.so_job_seq
and b.so_obj_type = 'M'
and b.so_act_arg like '%<agent_name>%';

select * from aw_obj_ref_agent_seq where aw_obj_seq=(select so_oper_seq from so_operators where so_oper_name='<agent_name>');

select * from aw_obj_ref_agent where aw_obj='<agent_name>';