Spectrum Data Publisher is sending blacklisted devices in Spectrum to DX OI (DX Operational Intelligence)
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Spectrum Data Publisher is sending blacklisted devices in Spectrum to DX OI (DX Operational Intelligence)


Article ID: 258936


Updated On:


DX Operational Intelligence CA Spectrum DX NetOps


After setting up a Service Account in Spectrum for DX OI (DX Operational Intelligence) and using security communities to filter the devices that are being sent to DX OI, the devices that the Service Account cannot see in Spectrum are being forwarded to DX OI by the Spectrum Data Publisher. 



Release : 21.2.x, 22.2.x.23,3


Using security communities is not a supported way to filter devices to DX OI. 


Using security communities is not a supported way to filter devices to DX OI.

You can filter by Global Collections using the <GroupFilterValue> tags in the ConnectorConfig.xml file:

 <!-- <GroupFilterValue>^GC.*</GroupFilterValue>  -->
            <!--true or false , if true GroupFiltered models will send delete request to TAS -->

This is a comma separated list of Global Collections. Only the devices in the Global Collections will be sent to DX OI.