WBS structure in MSP not matching Clarity structure
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WBS structure in MSP not matching Clarity structure


Article ID: 258884


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


WBS structure in Microsoft Project is broken when creating tasks in Clarity while the project was cached in the PRDOCUMENT table.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a new project with a few tasks (e.g.: 4 tasks).
  2. Open the project in MSP and add the 'WBS' column and verify that the WBS structure is correct.
  3. Save the project back to Clarity without doing any changes (so that a PRDOCUMENT record is inserted for the project).
  4. In the Timeline view, create a few tasks between the existing ones by using quick create (+) as well as Insert Sibling by right clicking an existing task. Check the WBS structure.
  5. Open the project in MSP and add the 'WBS' column.

Expected Results: WBS is correct.

Actual Results: WBS is incorrect and does not match the one observed in the Timeline view.


Release : 16.1.0




This issue is fixed in Clarity 16.1.2.