Fatal error when trying to query discovery server via snmpcollector probe 4.03
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Fatal error when trying to query discovery server via snmpcollector probe 4.03


Article ID: 258869


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


We have snmpcollector v4.03 and when attempting to invoke "Query discovery server" on the Primary Hub using discovery_server v20.33, we are receiving the following error:

Wrong version of discovery_server probe at /<domain>/<hub>/<robot>/discovery_server., version 20.33, Reason: This version of discovery server does not support filtering by Device Services. Please remove all services in this filter or upgrade the discovery_server probe to version 8.5 or greater. 

Click Reload to refresh configuration.


  • UIM 20.3.3
  • snmpcollector v4.03 HF3
  • discovery_server v20.3.3
  • hub 9.33


  • snmpcollector 4.03 defect


1. Copied the snmpcollector-4.0.4T3 package into the local archive of the remote/secondary hub.

2. Redeployed snmpcollector-4.0.4T3, but this time in IM, directly to the remote hub instead of via the IM 'Group' node.

3. Login to the Admin Console and choose to configure snmpcollector

4. Readded the Device Services Filters (Router, Switch, and Switch-Router), and the eror/message "Wrong version of discovery_server probe at..." did not occur.

Additional Information

  • snmpcollector-4.0.4T3 is attached to this KB Article.


snmpcollector-4.0.4T3 (2)_1675176237184.zip get_app