After upgrade to CU4 SOI Console oneclick.jnlp does not open anymore when access is through a proxy
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After upgrade to CU4 SOI Console oneclick.jnlp does not open anymore when access is through a proxy


Article ID: 258863


Updated On:


CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


After upgrade to CU4 SOI Console oneclick.jnlp does not open anymore when access is through a proxy

"An unexpected error occurred connecting to the Web server at X via proxy X java.lang.NullPointerException"




Release : 4.2 CU4

Product: CA Service Operations Insight


Please apply jar on top of CU4 and provide the log file if the issue is still reproducible.

PFA zip file and follow the below steps to apply the jar.

  1. Stop All SOI services
  2. Take a backup of the below files

  3. Copy jar file from the attached zip and replace the above files.
  4. Restart the SOI services as per the recommendations given earlier (Reference KB article   
  5. Close the browser and SOI console.
  6. Re-login the SOI UI server and relaunch the console.

Attachments get_app