Remediations tab is missing to manually quarantining Office 365 files
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Remediations tab is missing to manually quarantining Office 365 files


Article ID: 258820


Updated On:


CASB Gateway


Remediation tab is missing on exposed documents is missing in CloudSOC



Verify the file has a valid risk type. Only exposed documents with a risk type are eligible for quarantine with the move option.  Risk types include External DLP and Threat Protection such as Malware or VBA Macros.

This is also a requirement in a CASB policy where preserve Content includes Move.

This does not affect DLP's ability to issue a response rule to quarantine with tombstone.

Feature request ISFR-2446  was created to request that all files regardless of exposure type should be eligible to quarantine within CASB.

Additional Information

Techdoc o365 quarantine.