10.8 APM Upgrade
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10.8 APM Upgrade


Article ID: 258772


Updated On: 12-05-2023


CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope)


I am evaluating our current environment in order to prepare for our 10.8 upgrade.

We keep out Smartstor Database outside of the EM home directory. Do we need to factor in the sizes when we are calculating the 1.5X space requirements from EM home and Postgres directories?

Also, I noticed in the pre-req section here:

Checklist: Manually Upgrade CA APM

Is it a requirement to have the root password? This is generally not provided to us.



Release : 10.7.0


1. Yes, you should factor in the Smartstor Database size on disk as we calculate free disk space to do the backup during the upgrade.

2. Root is recommended but you can use another user providing:

Database installation folder permission
The installer needs permission to create the database directory. This permission is important when installing on Linux using a non-root account.

Shared memory setting is properly configured (UNIX only)
When running the installer as a non-root user, first configure the shared memory setting before you install the database.

PostgreSQL Problems With Permissions

3. Also keep in mind

PostgreSQL installation is not part of the CA APM 10.8 installation and must be installed before you start the CA APM 10.8 installation.

Install and Configure the APM Database