The request header host is not getting resolved at our Gateway
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The request header host is not getting resolved at our Gateway


Article ID: 258758


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


When sending a request to a service, the following message can be seen in the ssg logs:

2023-01-23T14:19:07.123-0500 INFO    436 com.l7tech.server.MessageProcessor: Request URL not resolved: http://<HOSTNAME>.com/favicon.ico

Also, when trying to access the request URL internally, the request reaches the policy defined as confirmed from the service debugger.


All supported versions of the API Gateway


The message says this URL is not resolvable: http://<HOSTNAME>/favicon.ico
This would be correct because if you tried to go to that specific URL, it would not work. 

There is nothing about this message that says https://<HOSTNAME>/<SERVICE>/<ENDPOINT> is not resolvable. Your request should have been processed successfully.

These Favicon-related messages can be ignored. They do not impact the execution of the API service.