UNIX Jobs throw U00029003 Cannot open file ... No such file or directory
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UNIX Jobs throw U00029003 Cannot open file ... No such file or directory


Article ID: 258687


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CA Automic Operations Manager CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


Unix Agent returns the following response when attempting to submit a job.  The Agent seems to start with no issues.  However, the Agent seems to be having troubles writing the report file.  The Service Manager on the server hosting the Unix agent is running under root.  
Agent logs show the following:
U02000005 Job 'JOBS.TEST.UNIX' with RunID '106387780' is to be started.
U02000003 Job 'JOBS.TEST.UNIX' started with RunID '106387780'.
U02000009 Job 'JOBS.TEST.UNIX' with RunID '106387780' ended with return code '207'.
U00029003 Cannot open file '/opt/automic/ServiceManager/bin/../../Agents/unix/bin/../temp/OAIYVAJS.TXT(ReadFileAuthority())', error code '2', error description: 'No such file or directory'.
U00029002 Report '106387781' ended abnormally.


Release: 21.0

Component: Automation Engine

Sub-Component: Unix/Linux agents


This problems was resolved by giving the agent's temp and out directories 777 permissions.  From the documentation:

  • Privileges for the out (UC_EX_PATH_JOBREPORT) and temp (UC_EX_PATH_TEMP) directory (see List of Agent Variables):

    • Owner: read, write and execute permissions

    • Group: read, write and execute permissions

    • World: read, write and execute permissions