Situation where there is conflicting behavior in uprocs with a dependency condition using the Proposition Properties.
Here is the context:
Cross-node session named "Session". Session contains 2 Uprocs: UprocA and UprocB. UprocA runs on Node1; UprocB runs on Node2.
Here is what works:
Set a dependency condition on UprocB with the Expected Uproc set to UprocA and the Proposition Property set to "Expected". When we run UprocB on Node2 (without having run UprocA on Node1), it will remain in Event Wait status. As soon as we run UprocA on Node1, UprocB will start running. We see the event for UprocA exists on both Node1 and Node2. This is what we expect.
Here is what does not work:
We set a dependency condition on UprocB with the Expected Uproc set to UprocA and the Proposition Property set to "Excluded". We run UprocA on Node1. We then run UprocB on Node2. UprocB runs immediately and does not wait for the exclusion condition to be cleared. This is because, when we check the events table, we see that the event for UprocA only exists on Node1. It is NOT propagated to Node2 in the same way as in the first scenario.
In order to work around the issue, we need to use CLI to run a command like 'uxadd evt upr=$S_PROCEXE ses=$S_CODSESS mu=$S_CODUG node=Node2' to the end of UprocA, but only in the scenario where the Proposition Property is set to "Excluded".
This seems like a bug as the event should seemingly be propagated, regardless of its Proposition Property. I don't understand the difference in behaviour.
Version: 6.x and 7.x
Component: Dollar Universe Application Server (Node)
This is considered normal behavior as the logic, for now, is missing in the product.
This is because it is like the "absent" conditioning against a remote node. This is a Product Enhancement Request with the reference ID: PMDU-2691.