How can an admin verify if Windows Proxy is installed properly?
Privileged Access Manager, all versions
Windows Proxy
There are no specific checkpoints that would confirm that Windows Proxy has been installed successfully, but based on the logs and the presence of the Proxy in the CA PAM UI, it can be confirmed that the installation is successful.
If the installation is successful, on the CA PAM server you should see the Windows Proxy host registered under the "Proxies" (Credentials-->Manage Targets-->Proxies) the name of the Windows Proxy host, and the IP Address.
Do set the Tomcat log level for FINE before you configure the Windows Proxy host installation, then search for the Windows Proxy log, and here this should show logs similar to this.
2023-01-20T10:33:45.931+0000 FINE [TP5] ScriptServlet.extractCommandRequest remote host:<Name of the Windows Proxy host>, ip:<IP of the Windows Proxy host>
2023-01-20T10:33:46.085+0000 INFO [TP5] RegisterRequestServerCmd.validateParameters hostname:<Name of the Windows Proxy host>, ip:<IP of the Windows Proxy host>, port:27077, version:4.20.1, clientType:java osName:Windows Server 2016, osVersion:10.0, osArch:x86 fipsEnabled:true clientToken:null fingerprint:abcdefg123456789 nodeIdXML:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><nodeid><macaddr>12:34:12:34:12:34</macaddr><machineid></machineid><applicationtype>cspm_agent</applicationtype></nodeid>
2023-01-20T10:33:46.097+0000 INFO [TP5] RegisterRequestServerCmd.updateRequestServerInfo Auto-register host=<Name of the Windows Proxy host>, ip=<IP of the Windows Proxy host>, type=AGENT found no matching RequestServerDefaults.
2023-01-20T10:33:46.198+0000 INFO [TP5] ClientLogin.validateParameters hostname:<Name of the Windows Proxy host>, ip:<IP of the Windows Proxy host>, port:27077, version:4.20.1, clientType:java osName:Windows Server 2016, osVersion:10.0, osArch:x86 fipsEnabled:true clientToken:null fingerprint:abcdefg123456789 nodeIdXML:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><nodeid><macaddr>12:34:12:34:12:34</macaddr><machineid></machineid><applicationtype>cspm_agent</applicationtype></nodeid>
Before starting the Proxy Service, the log level can be set to FINE and then start the services, this would also help to understand if the Windows Proxy is able to establish the connection with the CA PAM Server.
Client Daemon Event Log:
WARNING: Wed January 25 04:04:20.360 UTC 2023 ClientDaemonManager::main. proxyHome=c:\cspm_agent\cloakware
WARNING: Wed January 25 04:04:20.360 UTC 2023 ClientDaemonManager::main. SystemConstants.JVM_PROP_ISWIN=true
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:20.375 UTC 2023 Configuration::getClientHomeEnvOrDefault. ENV{CSPM_CLIENT_HOME}=null
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:20.375 UTC 2023 Configuration::getClientHomeEnvOrDefault. DEFAULT{CSPM_CLIENT_HOME}=C:\cspm\cloakware
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:20.375 UTC 2023 Configuration::getAgentHomeEnvOrDefault. ENV{CPA_AGENT_HOME}=c:\cspm_agent\cloakware
WARNING: Wed January 25 04:04:20.391 UTC 2023 ClientDaemonManager::main. Cache file: c:\cspm_agent\cloakware\cspmclient\config\data\.cspmclient.dat does not exist
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:20.407 UTC 2023 XMLJDomParserForConfig::parseXML. Sizeof server array: 1
INFO: Wed January 25 04:04:20.407 UTC 2023 XMLJDomParserForConfig::parseXML. Configuration file is loaded
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:20.422 UTC 2023 XMLJDomParserForConfig::parseXML. Sizeof server array: 1
INFO: Wed January 25 04:04:20.422 UTC 2023 XMLJDomParserForConfig::parseXML. Configuration file is loaded
INFO: Wed January 25 04:04:20.422 UTC 2023 ApplicationCSPMAgent::initAppConfig. CPA Proxy is in FIPS mode
INFO: Wed January 25 04:04:20.516 UTC 2023 ApplicationCSPMAgent::initHttpServer. Threads: max=500;min=50;acceptQueue=100
INFO: Wed January 25 04:04:20.594 UTC 2023 ApplicationCSPMAgent::setupServer. CSPM Agent is on line...
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:20.672 UTC 2023 HttpService::getHttpsConnections. CSPM Server name: <CA PAM IP> CSPM Server port:
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:20.672 UTC 2023 HttpService::getHttpsConnection. https://<CA PAM IP>/cspm/servlet/cspm?commandName=clientLogin&port=27077&osarch=x86&enablefips=true&osversion=10.0&nodeid=%3C%3Fxml+version%3D%221.0%22+encoding%3D%22utf-8%22+%3F%3E%3Cnodeid%3E%3Cmacaddr%3E12%3A34%3A12%3A34%3A12%3A34%3C%2Fmacaddr%3E%3Cmachineid%3E%3C%2Fmachineid%3E%3Capplicationtype%3Ecspm_agent%3C%2Fapplicationtype%3E%3C%2Fnodeid%3E&version=4.20.1&osname=Windows+Server+2016
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:20.688 UTC 2023 HttpService::httpsGetInputStream. Start
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:20.688 UTC 2023 CryptoManager::initialize. Instantiating crypto type: CRYPTO_TYPE_FIPS
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:22.094 UTC 2023 CspmClientUtil::genHashForLogin. Hashing string: <IP of Windows Proxy>2023-01-25 04:04:20, Hash value: iSb3LABC2fX3ABCGx+Qw+SKtCwI=
INFO: Wed January 25 04:04:23.766 UTC 2023 HttpService::httpsGetInputStream. Complete get input stream from CSPM Server
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:23.844 UTC 2023 Cache::insertContentKey. Key created. Client is ready. Key: a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:23.844 UTC 2023 CacheBase::setKeyUpdateTime. Setup cache key update time: 1674619463844
INFO: Wed January 25 04:04:23.844 UTC 2023 Cache::insertContentKey. Key created. Client is ready.
INFO: Wed January 25 04:04:23.844 UTC 2023 KeyService::login. Login succeeded
INFO: Wed January 25 04:04:23.844 UTC 2023 PatchAgent::PatchAgent. Package install directory: c:\cspm_agent. Package operational directory: c:\cspm_agent\cloakware\cspmclient. Package version: 4.20.1
INFO: Wed January 25 04:04:23.938 UTC 2023 ProcessPatch::hasElevatedWindowsPrivileges. Command succeeded: setx.exe CSPM_HAS_ELEVATED_PRIVILEGES 1 /M, return value: 0 (PatchAgent service enabled due to availability of Admin or elevated privileges).
INFO: Wed January 25 04:04:24.000 UTC 2023 ProcessPatch::hasElevatedWindowsPrivileges. Command succeeded: setx.exe CSPM_HAS_ELEVATED_PRIVILEGES "" /M, return value: 0.
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:24.000 UTC 2023 CspmclientUtil::genRandomHours. startHour 0 endHour 5
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:24.016 UTC 2023 CspmclientUtil::genRandomHours. randHour 1
FINE: Wed January 25 04:04:24.016 UTC 2023 PatchAgent::setNextPollTime. Next CSPM Server poll time: 2023-01-26 01:50:24. Patch download time: 2200-01-01 01:00:00. New patch exist indicator: false. Use download schedule indicator: true. Patch download allowed: true
INFO: Wed January 25 04:04:24.016 UTC 2023 PatchAgentForCSPMAgent::run. Start thread