After upgrade to Jaspersoft 7.8, the report titles not rendering correctly. Also the home page doesn't look the same. all the icons shows Jaspersoft 7.1
Release : 16.0.3
Upon the Jaspersoft 7.8 upgrade the Default Themes was not installed correctly
*Before making any changes*
Please check the below.
1) Advance Reporting
2) View Repository
3) Expand "Themes" folder
4) Select the ca_PPM_tealgrey
5) check the Description
For Example: PPM Teal Gray Theme v7.1------Not installed Properly
Next Step:
1) Log into another environment where Jaspersoft 7.8 installed
2) Check the Themes Description
PPM Teal Gray Theme v7.8
3) Export the Themes Folder
4) Import into the the environment where experiencing the issue
5) Clear all Browser Temp/Cache
6) Close the Browser
7) Re-Lunch / Advance Reporting and will be corrected