OPS/MVS EMA is a dependency in AP11.7?
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OPS/MVS EMA is a dependency in AP11.7?


Article ID: 258413


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Automation Point


In AP 11.6 OPS/MVS EMA was an optional part of the AP Server installation process. See first attached screenshot:

But in AP 11.7 OPS/MVS EMA is forced to install:

We don't use OPS/MVS EMA at the bank.  Is AP 11.7 dependent on OPS/MVS EMA now?


Release : 11.7


The software for the OPS/MVS interface is now required even if you do not use OPS/MVS. You can, however, skip the option to configure the CCI configuration step that comes up later. And if needed, you can also elect to uninstall the CCI-PC component of the product after the install is complete.