When setting up the Excel - Rally plugin, in Excel after the plugin was installed I was prompted to login. I couldn't remember the Rally password so I selected the "Forgot Password" and entered my email. No message was received from either Rally or Broadcom.
Release : SAAS
The issue is with the user being a subscription admin and not able to receive the Rally reset password email to change the password, the SSO users cannot login to Rally plugin due to the password being pushed for authentication.
The Sub-admin needs to reset the password of his own account to access Rally excel plugin 365.
Since SSO is enabled at the subscription level, all users may log in by just entering their username and clicking Log In, then all SSO-enabled users are forwarded to their IDP for authorization.
SUB-ADMINS: Admins have the ability to change the password at the user profile level or move them to the exception list to receive the password link.
1. Profile section.
2. SSO Exception list: If any SSO user is added to the exception list the user will receive an email notification to change the password.
The user needs to be added to the exception list and then click the request Forget password link from the Rally Login page.
The sub-admin has to provide both the username and password to login Rally Plugin, even though the SSO is enabled.