CA PIM and ssh session timeout settings
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CA PIM and ssh session timeout settings


Article ID: 258272


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CA Privileged Access Manager - Server Control (PAMSC)


It may be useful to have a timeout for a session once a user logs in into a PIM/PAM SC Linux or Unix endpoint, so that inactive sessions are closed after some time automatically. Especially also when a user logs in and does sesu to a more privileged user and one would like to ensure after some time of inactivity the sesu privileged elevation is cancelled

Is there any way this can be set up ?


CA PIM and CA PAM SC all releases


No. Neither PIM nor PAMSC provide any mean of automatically terminate sesu or a session from the product itself. This should be investigated or set up using OS resources, if this is possible. PIM and PAM SC main purpose is to control what is happening inside an endpoint where they are installed, but things such as session duration are outside its scope.