Preventive Maintenance PTF Applying JCL Sample
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Preventive Maintenance PTF Applying JCL Sample


Article ID: 258269


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


Planning to apply preventive maintenance PTFs after completion of OPSMVS r14.0 installation.
Is there any JCL samples for applying these preventive maintenance PTFs?


Release: 14.0

OS: z/OS


To apply the Preventive Maintenance PTF, the following JCL members of prefix.SAMPJCL are available

1. CLX60RCH  :  CLX60RCH : Download the HOLD file required for CLX70RCM.
    If there is no HOLD file available, please use this JCL to obtain the HOLD file. 

2. CLX70RCM  :  RECEIVE the preventive maintenance PTF.
3. CLX80APM  :  APPLY preventive maintenance PTF.   *
*Applying the preventive maintenance PTF is completed with CLX80APM. CLX90ACM ACCEPT processing is not required.