Associated table display at object selection using RC/Migrator
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Associated table display at object selection using RC/Migrator


Article ID: 258254


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RC/Migrator for DB2 for z/OS


When selecting tables for a RC/Migrator for Db2 for z/OS (RCM) migration, it is useful to know which of the tables have associated tables.
The L (list) primary and line command is able to display the associated tables so that these can be selected if required.


Having created a RCM migration strategy and selected tables as the primary object and a list obtained, the Command Line and Line command "L" is provided to display the associated tables.

The L command line and line command expands all base and associated table pairs into two lines where the associated table is displayed indented or collapses
all base and associated table pairs into a single line.

This command is only available when the selection is tables.

When a table has an associated table the TYPE column has a T/R. The "T" is clearly for Table but the "R" is for Archive Table.

The table type displays can be T/C, T/H, or T/R, for clone, history, and archive respectively.

 RMPLTB1         ------------- RC/M Object Selection ------------ yy/mm/dd hh:mm
 COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR

Item Name => TBR%                > Creator  => authid1   > Where => N
------------------------------------------------------------------ authid1    >

   Enter 'S' to select a Table.

__ TBROLE              authid1   T/R dbname    TSROLE        4        74
__ TBROLE1             authid1   T   dbname    TSROLE1       4        74
__ TBROLE2             authid1   T   dbname    TSROLE2       4        74
__ TBROLE3             authid1   T   dbname    TSROLE3       4        74
__ TBROLE4             authid1   T   dbname    TSROLE2       4        74
__ TBROLE_R            authid1   T   dbname    TSROLE4       3        73
 ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

Enter the "L"  in the Command Line command.


 RMPLTB1         ------------- RC/M Object Selection ------------ yy/mm/dd hh:mm
COMMAND ===> L                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR

Item Name => TBR%                > Creator  => authid1   > Where => N
------------------------------------------------------------------ authid1    >

   Enter 'S' to select a Table.

__ TBROLE              authid1   T   dbname    TSROLE        4        74
__  TBROLE_ARCH        authid1   R   dbname1   TSROLE        4        74
__ TBROLE1             authid1   T   dbname    TSROLE1       4        74
__ TBROLE2             authid1   T   dbname    TSROLE2       4        74
__ TBROLE3             authid1   T   dbname    TSROLE3       4        74
__ TBROLE4             authid1   T   dbname    TSROLE2       4        74
__ TBROLE_R            authid1   T   dbname    TSROLE4       3        73
 ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

This is a toggle command. L again and the expanded view goes back to what it was before. 

Using the "L" line command. Enter "L" next to the table that has the type T/R.

RMPLTB1         ------------- RC/M Object Selection ------------ yy/mm/dd hh:mm
 COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR

Item Name => TBR%                > Creator  => authid1   > Where => N
------------------------------------------------------------------ authid1    >

   Enter 'S' to select a Table.

L_ TBROLE              authid1   T/R DBNAME    TSROLE        4        74
__ TBROLE1             authid1   T   DBNAME    TSROLE1       4        74
__ TBROLE2             authid1   T   DBNAME    TSROLE2       4        74
__ TBROLE3             authid1   T   DBNAME    TSROLE3       4        74
__ TBROLE4             authid1   T   DBNAME    TSROLE2       4        74
__ TBROLE_R            authid1   T   DBNAME    TSROLE4       3        73
 ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

The screen then changes as below:

 RMPLTB1         ------------- RC/M Object Selection ------------ yy/mm/dd hh:mm
 COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR

Item Name => TBR%                > Creator  => authid1   > Where => N
------------------------------------------------------------------ authid1    >

   Enter 'S' to select a Table.

__ TBROLE              authid1   T   DBNAME    TSROLE        4        74
__  TBROLE_ARCH        authid1   R   DBNAME1   TSROLE        4        74
__ TBROLE1             authid1   T   DBNAME    TSROLE1       4        74
__ TBROLE2             authid1   T   DBNAME    TSROLE2       4        74
__ TBROLE3             authid1   T   DBNAME    TSROLE3       4        74
__ TBROLE4             authid1   T   DBNAME    TSROLE2       4        74
__ TBROLE_R            authid1   T   DBNAME    TSROLE4       3        73
 ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

This is a toggle command. L again and the expanded view goes back to what it was before. 

The Base table or the Associated table can be selected for the Migration using the "S" line command.

If you select an associated table for migration without the base table, you must ensure that the base table exists in the target environment
and matches the base table definitions from the source.

Additional Information

New L (List) Primary and Line Command