Full disk on Web Siolation Gateways
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Full disk on Web Siolation Gateways


Article ID: 258170


Updated On:


Web Isolation


Web Isolation disk space usage on gateways is very high:

  • "/var" disk space usage is constantly high (95%+)
  • "fgcli operation free-disk-space --severity 3" does not recover much disk space 
  • there are no large log files (like fireglass.log)

Command "docker system df -v" executed on Gateway shows that "clipr" container has unusual large disk space usage (10G+):

ad7eeae919d3        clipr:1.14.50-774                   "/run.sh"                0                   90.9GB              9 months ago ago    Up 13 days                 clipr_zazqa




  • Web Isolation


Further inspecting "clipr" disk usage:

  • Log into container: "docker exec -it ad7eeae919d3 bash"
  • While in the container check "/var/log/nginx" files - "ls -al /var/log/nginx"
  • For example access.log has 86G:

    root@firegproxyp01:/var/log/nginx# ls -alh
    total 86G
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root  root   4.0K Feb 23  2022 
    drwxrwxr-x 10 root  syslog 4.0K Feb 23  2022 
    -rw-r-----  1 nginx adm     86G Nov 30 08:01 access.log
    -rw-r-----  1 nginx adm    931K Nov 29 15:33 error.log
  • It's a known issue where this log file is not clear or rotated tracked by WI-2220


File can be cleared out. It contains only access.log for users requesting proxy.pac file.

To clear out contents of the file:

  • root@firegproxyp01:/var/log/nginx# >access.log
  • Issue is fixed in 1.15 release