Adding iPXE to an existing Ghost Solution Suite install
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Adding iPXE to an existing Ghost Solution Suite install


Article ID: 258138


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


Ghost Solution Suite and PXE server are already installed and there is a need to add the iPXE feature


GSS 3.3 RU4 or later


There are two methods to install iPXE 

I) From Ghost Solution Suite installation executable

  1. Open the DSSetup folder on the root of c: (This is the default extraction location)
  2. Right click on 'axinstall' and run as administrator
  3. Choose the 'Component Install' option
  4. Read/agree to SLA terms and select 'Yes'
  5. Use the default file server path the click 'Next'
  6. Click on Configure GSS server and PXE server(s) for iPXE 
  7. Click on the 'Check Prerequisites' button (all prerequisites must be met)
  8. Enter credentials for IIS to the database (should be the same credentials you installed GSS with - if unsure look at Altiris eXpress Server under services)
  9. Enter the IP of the PXE server (this should be the PXE server's IP address) & the same credentials you install GSS server with. Click 'Next'
  10. Click 'Install' to install iPXE

II)  Alternatively you can install iPXE software from standalone MSI's

  1. Open the DSSetup folder on the root of c:
  2. Double click on 'GSSServeriPXEAddon.msi' (all IIS perquisites must be met before installation)
  3. Click 'Ok' on the dialog box
  4. Read/accept the licensing agreement and click 'Install'
  5. Enter GSS credentials (if unsure which user to install verify with Altiris eXpress Server under services) click 'Next'
  6. Click 'Finish'
  7. Double click on 'PXEServeriPXEAddon.msi'
  8. Read/accept the licensing agreement and click 'Next'
  9. Verify the GSS installation path and click 'Next'
  10. Click 'Install' 
  11. Click 'Finish'

Additional Information

Link for IIS prerequisites: