There are two methods to install iPXE
I) From Ghost Solution Suite installation executable
- Open the DSSetup folder on the root of c: (This is the default extraction location)
- Right click on 'axinstall' and run as administrator
- Choose the 'Component Install' option
- Read/agree to SLA terms and select 'Yes'
- Use the default file server path the click 'Next'
- Click on Configure GSS server and PXE server(s) for iPXE
- Click on the 'Check Prerequisites' button (all prerequisites must be met)
- Enter credentials for IIS to the database (should be the same credentials you installed GSS with - if unsure look at Altiris eXpress Server under services)
- Enter the IP of the PXE server (this should be the PXE server's IP address) & the same credentials you install GSS server with. Click 'Next'
- Click 'Install' to install iPXE
II) Alternatively you can install iPXE software from standalone MSI's
- Open the DSSetup folder on the root of c:
- Double click on 'GSSServeriPXEAddon.msi' (all IIS perquisites must be met before installation)
- Click 'Ok' on the dialog box
- Read/accept the licensing agreement and click 'Install'
- Enter GSS credentials (if unsure which user to install verify with Altiris eXpress Server under services) click 'Next'
- Click 'Finish'
- Double click on 'PXEServeriPXEAddon.msi'
- Read/accept the licensing agreement and click 'Next'
- Verify the GSS installation path and click 'Next'
- Click 'Install'
- Click 'Finish'