What is the difference between the GTSRC_REFERNCE_LOV and GTSRC_REFERENCE_LOV1 tables, as well as the HASLOV and HASLOV1 Functions?
Release : 4.10
The differences between the GTSRC_REFERNCE_LOV and GTSRC_REFERENCE_LOV1 tables in the Scramble database. Below is the explanation provided:
With the GTSRC_REFERENCE_LOV table, there were inconsistencies across databases and Mainframe masking. So, Engineering developed the GTSRC_REFERENCE_LOV1 table and the HASKLOV1 masking function to correct these inconsistencies. We now have consistency across all DBs and MF using HASHLOV1.
Another difference, HASHLOV1 allows you to use many buckets to mask, whereas HASHLOV uses one big bucket. HASHLOV1also has an additional parameter, that provides more flexibility:
Each bucket list is based on a restricted value. If the specific value does not correspond to any bucket list, there will be an entry in the log indicating the value was not found (No match found for value XXXXXXX ). We will then look for the default value, and it does not exist (No default value for seed list:YYYYYY). As a result, we will leave the entry unmasked.
It's always your choice on which masking function and which table/seed list you want to use for what you're trying to accomplish.
For more information, see TDM Masking Functions and Parameter for details regarding the masking functions.