API call to reset the password of a Target Account in PAM
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API call to reset the password of a Target Account in PAM


Article ID: 258103


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CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


Can external REST API be used to reset the password of a Target account? If yes, can you please share the details around that.


You can use the following API call:

PUT /api.php/v1/devices.json/{deviceId}/targetApplications/{applicationId}/targetAccounts

This can set the password, and with the synchronize value set to true ("t") it will validate it as well.

You can use API call

GET  /api.php/v1/devices.json/{deviceId}/targetApplications/{applicationId}/targetAccounts/{accountId}

to see the current list of attributes for the target account.

Instead of providing a specific password, you can use "_generate_pass_" to generate a password based off of your password composition policy. Example:

    "attributes": {
        "userDN": "CN=XXXX,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com"
