EZIOE002 error for file needing to be updated
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EZIOE002 error for file needing to be updated


Article ID: 258102


Updated On:


Easytrieve Report Generator


Easytrieve program under release 11.6 is generating the following error message:
EZIOE002 Error opening file your-file-name
          Installation does not allow this file to be updated.
 EZABX008 The error occurred at program statement number xx.

How may this be resolved?



Easytrieve Report Generator, Release : 11.6


First check the Compile Directives in the listing for UPDTDLI and UPDTIDD and UPDTVS.

Then check the line number, specified as 'xx' in the above error message to see how the FILE statement for the file is coded.

Example: Looking at line 60, we see this line coded as:
   60  JOB INPUT your-file-name

Confirm what kind of file this is and then make sure that the option file parameters listed above are coded to YES to allow updates for DLI, IDMS, or VSAM.
These may be changed via running the JOB02 member in your CBAAJCL library.

Also ensure that the FILE statement has UPDATE coded for the file experiencing the error.