Deploying the CABI probe to Windows 2019 robot deploys the wasp and cabi, but installation fails.
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [echo] Validating administrative database connection at jdbc:mysql://xxxxxx:3306/mysql?allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true. Phase: [test]
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [advanced-sql] Failed to connect: Could not connect to address=(host=xxxxx)(port=3306)(type=master) : Access denied for user '<username>'@'%' to database 'mysql'
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [echo] Connection failed:
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [echo] SQLState: 42000
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [echo] Vendor specific error code: 1044
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] [echo] Message: [Could not connect to address=(host=xxxxxxx)(port=3306)(type=master) : Access denied for user '<username>'@'%' to database 'mysql']
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec]
[Thread-0, cabi] [exec] BUILD FAILED
Root cause of the issue: the user account did not have access to the mysql database, only the UIM DB.
UIM needs access to the mysql DB because:
It is NOT currently documented in the UIM Techdocs, that you need the DB administrator account/user to install the cabi probe. This is in the process of being updated.
Requiring sys admin-type access to the mysql databa
se represents a security issue for some customers.
We had to run the following GRANT statement:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mysql.* to '<username>'@'%' identified by '<password>';
flush privileges;
Then the cabi installation proceeded without any further failures and as a result, the wasp installation completed.