CPSM 5.6 and EYUXL0158E error
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CPSM 5.6 and EYUXL0158E error


Article ID: 257929


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EYUXL0158E EYUXCMS1 Security profile for TRANSATTACH BMLT     is incorrect: READ=NOTREADABLE.
EYUXL0158E EYUXCMS1 Security profile for TRANSATTACH LCPP     is incorrect: READ=NOTREADABLE.
EYUXL0158E EYUXCMS1 Security profile for TRANSATTACH LCMU     is incorrect: READ=NOTREADABLE.
EYUXL0158E EYUXCMS1 Security profile for TRANSATTACH LECI     is incorrect: READ=NOTREADABLE.
EYUXL0158E EYUXCMS1 Security profile for TRANSATTACH LECR     is incorrect: READ=NOTREADABLE.
EYUXL0158E EYUXCMS1 Security profile for TRANSATTACH LECS     is incorrect: READ=NOTREADABLE.
EYUXL0158E EYUXCMS1 Security profile for TRANSATTACH XZLT     is incorrect: READ=NOTREADABLE.
EYUXL0159E EYUXCMS1 Incorrect security profile for one or more resources. CICS is terminating.

DFHTM1703 EYUXCMS1 CICS is being terminated by userid $$CICCM1 in transaction CPLT.


Release : 16.0


Resolution was removing transaction CPLT from BYPASS.