UVMS Master Label is not synchronized with Subordinates
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UVMS Master Label is not synchronized with Subordinates


Article ID: 257894


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


In a Master / Subordinate UVMS Architecture, the UVMS Master Label is not synchronized with the UVMS Subordinates after changing it post declaration of the UVMS Subordinate.
The variable ADV_ARCH_ENABLE_CHECK_MASTER_STATUS set to Y does not help to achieve this.

The line on the table UNI_UV_NODES referencing the Master UVMS does not have its column LABEL updated anymore.


Release : 6.x and 7.x

Component: Univiewer Management Server

Context: Advanced Architecture with a Master and Subordinate/s UVMS


Limitation of the UVMS Synchronization



For UVMS Subordinate/s using Derby as Database, the tool uniderby can be used to modify the column value LABEL on the record for the Master UVMS in each Subordinate UVMS as below:
1. Stop uvms subordinate
2. Backup the uvms database folder <uvms_folder>/data/data/uvmsdb
3. Launch the command uniderby replacing the values LABEL and NAME by the ones of the Master UVMS:

cd <uvms_folder>/app/bin
./uniderby \-q "update uni_uv_nodes set LABEL='new master uvms label' where NAME='master_uvms_name'"

4. Start uvms subordinate


This is a known limitation of the UVMS and will be treated as a Product Enhancement Request (Idea) via PMDU-3111

Additional Information

If needed any command for other kind of Databases like Oracle or MS SQL, please open a case with Technical Support referencing this article.