Cannot connect to SQL DB during PAM install
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Cannot connect to SQL DB during PAM install


Article ID: 257887


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CA Process Automation Base CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


Database instance issue while migrating from On-prem to Azure. 

During the PAM install process, the DB settings are entered, but experiencing this message:  "Invalid database user name or password"


Release : 4.3 and 4.4

Process Automation


The userid field is being populated with a value that starts with "$" or one of the special characters, which will not work for the installer as it is using a JDBC driver that will reject special characters in the userid.  Passwords with special characters may also be affected as well.

Customer sites may use special characters to identify certain users, such as service accounts.  


The special character limitation is inherent in the JDBC driver and cannot be overcome directly.   

A possible workaround is to run the installer with userid/password combo that lacks special characters.  Once the install completes, modify the OasisConfig.Properties to update the database user and password.  There is a PasswordEncryption.bat file which will encrypt the password

OasisConfig.Properties is located in:
PAM 4.3:  C:\Program Files\CA\PAM\server\c2o\.config
PAM 4.4:  C:\Program Files\CA\PAM\wildfly\standalone\.config

PasswordEncryption.bat (needs to be updated for its JRE_HOME location) is located in:
PAM 4.3:  C:\Program Files\CA\PAM\server\c2o
PAM 4.4:  C:\Program Files\CA\PAM\wildfly\standalone