How can the autosys user password be updated in AutoSys after a manual database password change?
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How can the autosys user password be updated in AutoSys after a manual database password change?


Article ID: 257884


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


Client is manually changing the autosys user in the the database, instead of using autosys_secure. How can the autosys user password be updated in AutoSys after a manual database password change?


Release :  AutoSys - ALL


1) run autosys_secure

2) choose option 6

[6] Get encrypted password

3) choose option 1

[1] Encrypt password for instance configuration (using AES).

4) Enter the new database password for the user autosys in the Enter password: and Enter confirmation password prompts

5) Copied the encrypted password that was returned in step 4

6) Back up the config.<instance> file

7) Edit the config.<instance> file

8) On the DBAccess line modify it to be as follows:

DBAccess=autosys/<paste the new encrypted password here>

9) Save the config.<instance> file

10) Stop and restart the Scheduler and Application Server processes

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