Jaspersoft Report (Resource Availability) Not Showing Weekly Period Data
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Jaspersoft Report (Resource Availability) Not Showing Weekly Period Data


Article ID: 257798


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


The stock report Resource Availability shows 'Monthly' period data but not 'Weekly' data.


Release : 16.1.0


Datawarehouse or time slicing configuration causing the weekly data not to be generated.


DWH Configuration Issue

If DWH configuration issue, Perform the following steps:

1. Go to Classic UI > Administration Menu, General Settings, System Options
Data Warehouse Options.

2. Check if the option is checkmarked: 'Include Weekly Period Data'

If so, uncheck the option.

3. Run full Load DWH job.

4. Go to Classic UI > Administration Menu, General Settings, System Options
Data Warehouse Options > recheck 'Include Weekly Period Data'

5. Run full Load DWH job.

If issue persists, follow next set of steps

Time Slicing Configuration

1. Truncate the table: RPT_CALENDAR

2. Reslice the weekly time slice ids. Please contact Support for instructions.

Change all the Weekly DWH time slice ids to start on the day specified in Classic > Administration > Project Management > Settings > Start Day of the Week.

3. Rerun the Time Slicing and full Load DWH jobs.