Unable to execute program SASSWP00 from 12.1 CAL2LOAD library
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Unable to execute program SASSWP00 from 12.1 CAL2LOAD library


Article ID: 257777


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CA 7 Workload Automation


Whenever we submit a job which executes program SASSWP00 from the 12.1 CAL2LOAD library the job completes successfully but no report is generated.  If we execute the same job commenting out the STEPLIB statement, the job completes successfully using the 11.3 CAL2LOAD library.  We have reviewed the JCL and there is no difference other than the STEPLIB statement pointing to the 12.1 loadlib.



Release : 12.1

Release : 12.0


Output data is not been generated when extracting log data that consist of  multiple CA 7 releases.


 The SASSWP00 program is release specific.   Whenever extracting data using the r12.1 CAL2LOAD library, you are permitted to extract log data from a previous release, or current release, but not both within the same execution.  This is because the SASSWP00 program at release 12.1 cannot extract data that spans across  a date  range involving multiple releases. To insure the the SASSWP00 program generates the report as expected, the log data extracted using the FROM and TO date values must be of the same release.