Hard allocation data is not respected at saving time on the first period if the resource calendar shifts start before 8 am
1. Administration > Project Management > Base Calendars
2. Create a calendar with shifts from 7 am to 5 pm
3. Resource Management > Resources > Get Resource X and associate him with the calendar created above
4. Create a project with a start date of 01.01.2023 and finish 12.31.2023
5. On the team tab, add Resource X as well as any Resource Y tied to the OOOTB base calendar with normal 8 hour shifts
6. Go to team details and add the hard allocation field to the Allocation By Period TSV field
7. Enter a Hard allocation figure (200) for several months starting in January
Expected Results: The hard allocation figure saves as entered on all periods. So value is saved as 200
Actual results: The hard allocation figure gets clipped on the first allocation period. Value is saved as 199
This is caused by DE68069
This is fixed in 16.1.2