While working on a NetMaster 12.1 to 12.2 region migration, certain considerations exist on the location of
NetMaster region timers.
Release : 12.2
Please review the contents of the NetMaster 12.1 initialization members called NMINIT and NMREADY. It is very likely that the
NetMaster timers to be migrated to the 12.2 region are found inside one or both of these TESTEXEC members.
You could also do a SH TIMER=ALL from Command Entry to see what active TIMERs you currently have active. Additionally,
remember that you could have implemented Timer Services within EventView. That can be easily verified--issue the
following commands:
Another way to determine beyond doing the SH TIMER=ALL is to look at the NetMaster Activity Log, and each time a TIMER
(AT/EV) is set you'll see the N11209 message response. It follows an example on one of our regions: Located in NMINIT
we have 5 TIMERS, as seen--each one shows the N11209 message after the AT command was issued.