UVC 7 error invalid identifier when displaying v5 node tasks with no session
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UVC 7 error invalid identifier when displaying v5 node tasks with no session


Article ID: 257640


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


UVC 7.0.x cannot display a Task based on a Uproc (Session is empty), a UVC popup error is displayed with the message:

An invalid identifier has been used : Invalid Task name :  - 'null'


Release : 7.x

Component: Univiewer Console

Environment: Dollar Universe 5.x where Task without Session is defined


Incompatibility between UVC/UVMS 7.x and Dollar Universe 5.x


Univiewer 7.x is not compatible with Dollar Universe nodes 5.x

The code specific to handle version 5 Nodes has been deliberately removed from UVC and UVMS 7.x to avoid potential issues.

Please use a UVMS 6.10.x along with a UVC 6.10.x or inferior to handle the version 5 nodes instead.

Additional Information

Feel free to open a case withTechnical Support if needed assistance/planning for upgrading the Dollar Universe nodes in version 5 to a maintained and supported version.