DB Load returns Return Code = 1 when loading data to a Postgres database.
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DB Load returns Return Code = 1 when loading data to a Postgres database.


Article ID: 257624


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


When checking the ucybdbld.log in the Utility/temp folder, the only information there is the ini file. Turning on the traces does not show more information.
When we put in the incorrect password into ucybdbld.ini, we do not get an error message.


Release : 12.3 and 21.X


Copy/Paste start command from notepad or notepad ++ adds special character to the dbload start command


Troubleshooting steps:

  • install strace - yum install strace
  • run strace of the dbload
    • example - strace -o strace.log ./ucybdbld.sh –B –X/opt/automic/utility/db/general/21.0/UC_UPD.TXT
      • strace.log will be located in the /opt/automic/utility/bin folder 
  • check the strace logs for the start command


  • type the dbload load command instead of copy/paste
  • if the issue still exist, send the following information to support
    • content of the /opt/automic/utility/bin folder 
    • strace log
    • bash_profile 
    • ldd ucybdbld
    • log and trace file (db=4)
    • ldd of  pg lib (ucupgs.so)