wcc - trying to view logs - CAUAJM_E_10682 Requested log file for the specified job could not be found
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wcc - trying to view logs - CAUAJM_E_10682 Requested log file for the specified job could not be found


Article ID: 257596


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Autosys Workload Automation


When trying to view the joblogs in WCC for job runs that were a month ago I get an error: "CAUAJM_E_10682 Requested log file for the specified job could not be found".  I can see the logs for job runs that ran this week.

Is possible to see logs from the graphical interface from up to 4 months ago, if so, indicate what configuration is needed to be able to view the logs from that time.


Release : 12.0


The "run_num" value is simply a counter. 
An ever increasing number for a unique run of a job.



You run Job-A your run_num is 1.
You run Job-B your run_num is 2.
You run Job-A your run_num is 3.
You run Job-A your run_num is 4
You run Job-B your run_num is 5.

By default AutoSys keeps 7 days of history in the db.
Once it is older than that the data is purged.

If you want to adjust the retention rate you would update the $AUTOSYS/bin/DBMaint file.
Specifically the archive_events entries changing the 7's to your desired retention rate.
For more details see:

If you run "autorep -d -J Job-A" that shows you the most recent/current run. 
 (in my example that would be (run_num=4))
If you run "autorep -d -J Job-A -r -1" that shows you run prior to the latest. 
 (in my example that would be (run_num=3))
  NOTE - You could also list the run_num specifically like this 
  "autorep -d -J Job-A -r 3".
  That would show you the same as the second example.

IF you can see the run details for the job in question via the autorep command like in the examples above then you could potentially try to pull back the logs for that run.
That is when you try "autosyslog -J Job-A -r 3 -tO".
That would attempt to display the std_out_file for Job-A's run when the run_num was 3.

For the above to work the files also need to still be there, on the agent.

There is NO restore procedure putting back in archived / purged data.

NOTE - Be advised that keeping more archive data will result in the autosys tables growing in size and might impact performance.