Need to know sharing Websphere Liberty server Web Viewer 14.0
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Need to know sharing Websphere Liberty server Web Viewer 14.0


Article ID: 257561


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


We are planning to install web viewer v14.0, To deploy it needs Websphere Liberty server to be installed. We have one Websphere Liberty server running as part of Z/OSMF setup, Can we use the same/ share or do we need to install new one separately for webviewer?



Release : 14.0

IBM WebSphere Liberty 9


We recommend that Web Viewer r14 be installed into its own WebSphere Liberty server:

  • Web Viewer r14 uses shared libraries, loads DLLs and native load modules.  The modules and versions may or may not be compatible with your other applications.
  • Web Viewer r14 requires the WebSphere Liberty Java Servlets 3.1 feature which may or may not be compatible with your other applications.
  • The resource usage of your other applications is out of Web Viewer r14 control.